OnSite and Custom Webinar TrainingPreTrainingWe're looking forward to working with you and your team!
Luckily, there is very little work you need to prior to our visit. See the steps below. Step 1: Setup the schedule.
FOR ONSITE TRAINING: The trainer will conduct two identical 2.5 to 3 hour sessions: one before lunch and one after. Schedule all staff members who interact with customers in a sales or customer service capacity. Each staff member need only attend one session, but are welcome to attend both for reinforcement. FOR CUSTOM WEBINAR TRAINING: The trainer will conduct one 2.5 to 3 hour session at the designated time. Schedule all staff members who interact with customers in a sales or customer service capacity. Step 2: Choose the quietest possible room or space for the training. An ideal space is out of earshot of other staff and customers. We often train in the owner's office, a conference room, your consultation area, or kitchen. For WEBINAR TRAINING you will receive a link by email to join the session the day before the scheduled training. You don't need any special equipment but make sure your computer has a microphone (most desktop computers don't, most laptops do). Alternately, you will be shown a phone number to call to use the speakerphone on your shop or cell phone. You will see Tim's screen on your computer and both sides can talk to each other but there is no camera feed, so everyone can relax! Step 3: Print a copy of the documents below for each of the people who will participate in training. Printing in black and white is fine, as these will just be working copies used for training. After your training session, we'll customize the sales charts and send you copies which you can have printed in color and laminated for everyday use. |
Step 4: Complete and submit the shop profile form below.
This information will help us better tailor our training and materials to your team!
This information will help us better tailor our training and materials to your team!
If you have any questions not answered by the information on this page,
don't hesitate to contact us on 800.983.6184.
don't hesitate to contact us on 800.983.6184.
In preparation for your training session please share the following information so we can tailor the workshop to the dynamics of your business. You will receive a link to access the webinar session one day and one hour before your chosen time slot.
If you have any issues signing onto the session call Tim directly on 917 257 9927.
If you have any issues signing onto the session call Tim directly on 917 257 9927.